Australian Embassy
Cabo Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea Bissau

Emergency Passport

f your travel is urgent and you can provide evidence of urgency (e.g. lost or stolen passport during an existing trip, travel itinerary, visa appointment confirmation, letter from employer), you may be eligible for an Emergency passport for an additional fee. The eligibility will be assessed case by case when the application is lodged.

Emergency Passports take up to 48 hours to issue after payment is taken and all requirements are met.  Some applications, such as child applications without full consent or for children born through surrogacy, require additional processing time. 

To be eligible for an emergency passport, you must meet one of the following criteria:

1. Lost or stolen passport during an existing trip (you may be asked to provide a police report issued by the local authorities)

2. Urgent compassionate travel (evidence required, such as doctors letter, death certificate, etc. in addition to flight itinerary)

3. Urgent business travel (letter from employer required)

4. Urgent travel to Australia (flight itinerary required)

How do I apply for an Emergency Passport?

All passport services are by appointment only. Please contact us at or +351 21 310 1500 for further advice.  You can also book an  Emergency Passport appointment by clicking the "Book Appointment" button.


Book an appointment with Australian Embassy, Portugal using SetMore

Emergency Passport Fee

A fee is payable when you apply for an Emergency Passport. Refer to the Passports Fees for further information. 

Features of an Emergency Passport

An Emergency Passport has four visa pages, and the validity will be limited to meet your immediate travel needs (7 months validity). It does not contain a chip and cannot be used to enter or transit some countries. Please research the country you are travelling to in order to determine if an emergency passport is acceptable. Australia will accept Emergency Passport as a valid travel document.

If you are travelling to a country that requires a visa, you should check with the embassy of that country whether a visa can be issued in an Emergency Passport and if there is a minimum validity required for the passport.

Can I add an Emergency Passport to my pending application after I've lodged?

Yes.  If your travel date moves up or your passport isn't ready in time for your travel, you can add an Emergency Passport to your existing application for an additional fee.  This option only applies to people whose regular passport applications are still in progress with our office and who need to travel urgently. 

We recommend you do this no later than a week prior to your departure date.   

Please contact us at or +351 21 310 1500 for further advice.

What to do once your travel is complete

You will need to present your Emergency Passport when you lodge your next Ordinary Passport application.

If you applied for an Ordinary Passport and an Emergency Passport (either at the same time or whilst the ordinary application was in progress), you will need to physically send the Emergency Passport to the Australian Embassy in Lisbon. We will cancel the Emergency Passport before we issue your Ordinary Passport. 

Post your emergency passport to: 

Australian Embassy
Av. da Liberdade, 200-2
1250-147  Lisboa

We can only hold passports in our office for 60 days so it is important to return your Emergency Passport as soon as possible.